Green Windows Hotel
Green Windows Hotel
Green Windows Hotel
Green Windows Hotel
Green Windows Hotel
Green Windows Hotel

Green Windows Hotel Claimed

Your Home Away from Home

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Green Windows Hotel is one of Davao City’s  newest and most affordable luxury dorm and hotel.  We arise from the concept of providing a BUDGET ACCOMODATION IN A LIMITED-SERVICE WAY. We cater those travelers who are looking for a comfortable place to stay yet would want to experience commendable service and upscale amenities.  We pride to be located in the heart of the city. Thus,  making it a very convenient location for tourists, travelers, and the like to stop over.

Currently we have 88 fully-air conditioned rooms, categorized into two types ; the dorm type rooms and the hotel type rooms. Dorm type rooms are ideal for backpacker and budget travelers. Rooms vary in size depending on the number of occupants, which can accommodate from 4-16persons inside. Hotel type rooms are ideal for travelers who seek elegant comfort in style.