Limketkai Luxe Hotel
Limketkai Luxe Hotel
Limketkai Luxe Hotel
Limketkai Luxe Hotel
Limketkai Luxe Hotel

Limketkai Luxe Hotel Claimed

A Luxury Hotel in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines

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Experience world-class hospitality service at the busiest business center in the City of Golden Friendship. Luxury and comfort within your reach. Fitting for the elegance of its architecture are exceptional amenities that can only be found in the Limketkai Luxe Hotel. While shopping and leisurely activities are made easier with the proximity of the Limketkai Mall, the Limketkai Luxe Hotel comes with more convenient services. The Business Center does not only offer the expected secretarial and courier service but provide for sophisticated IT equipment available for rent. While our restaurant and bars serve international cuisine to seat up to 350 guests, this is complemented by valet parking service, limousine and car rental services, baby-sitting and child care, airline and tour reservations and our Hotel Clinic. All of these are customized to make your stay luxurious, comfortable, and convenient.